1. Veterans
Day is a anniversary of the end of
World War I to honor US veterans and victims of all wars.
2. November 11
3. A
time to express gratitude to those who have made great sacrifices to preserve
our freedom.
4. It
is important to show Honor on Veterans Day because it show that you Respect and
Thank those who have served or serving.
5. Say
“thank you.” When you see a soldier or veteran eating at a
restaurant, discretely tell the waiter/waitress that you’d like to pick up the
tab for them. Place flowers/flags on the graves of veterans. Proudly display a
American Flag. Attend a Veteran’s Day parade

7. What I think of this holiday is that it is a good honorabel
holiday. I think that everyone in the U.S. should show some sort of respect. I
think that we sholud have a special event for veterans. Everyone should take
some time off to show some respect. Or even palce a U.S. flag on there front
lawn or porche. You can even go visit a veteran that you may or may not know. Another
reason I beavelive we should respect them is because they never know if they
may ever die. They sacrifice there live for the U.S. to have freedom.
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