"You will go far with CTR"
Mr. Haymore
I agree with wonderful quote because if you don't choose the right then you are choosing the wrong. If you are choosing the wrong then people are not going to want you around because you are bad influence. Choosing the right will be the the best decision you will ever make in your entire life. choosing the will make you a better person in a mental, spiritual, emotional, and physical manner. If you don't ever decide to make a change in your life and choose the right then you will be a lost soul. unlike if you where a choose the right person then you be a good, happy, and joyful soul. when you do decide to make a change in your life and choose the right then you will not only see a big change in your life but you will feel it as well. choosing the right will only be for the good not harm will come from doing this magnificent decision. if people criticize you they are just going to jealous because they don't feel the joy you feel for choosing the right. that is why you should hurry up and make the change 'CHOOSE THE RIGHT'.

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