

Friday, May 27, 2016

Memorial Day

Memorial Day

  1. Memorial Day is an American holiday observed on the last Monday of May, honors men and women who died while serving in the U.S. military. Originally known as Decoration Day, it originated in the years following the Civil War and became an official federal holiday in 1971. Unofficially, at least, it marks the beginning of summer.
  2. It is on the last monday of May
  3. Many Americans observe Memorial Day by visiting cemeteries or memorials, holding family gatherings and participating in parades.
  4. To honor the deceased, soldiers would decorate graves of their fallen comrades with flowers, flags and wreaths. Hence Decoration Day. Although Memorial Day became its official title in the 1880s, the holiday wouldn’t legally become Memorial Day until 1967.
  5. I am going to go to a Memorial day parade in Downey to show my respect to those who have passed defending our country.  
  6. For this Memorial day weekend i will go to a parade in Downey and this will my way to show respect . I believe that everyone in this county should do something to show respect ass well. This weekend is to show respect to those who have passed defending our country so we owe it to them. It is not everyday you show respect or say thank you so once a year shouldn't hurt. It doesn't have to be huge it can be as simple as putting up a U.S flag in your front yard. There is even places you can donate money to show your support and respect. Thank to all these men and women we are safe in our county so we should show respect and gratefulness for these people who have died protecting our country. Try your best and say thank you for those who have passed.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Eight Great Reasons to Tell the Truth

Eight Great Reasons to Tell the Truth
  1. Telling the truth lets everyone know what really happened There less chance of misunderstanding, confusion, or conflict
  2. Telling the truth protects innocent, people, from being blamed or punished
  3. Telling the truth allows everyone to learn from what happened
  4. You usually get into less trouble for telling the truth other for lying (and getting caught)
  5. Other people trust you more when you tell the truth
  6. You don't have to tell (and remember) more lies to keep your story straight
  7. You gain a reputation for being truthful-a trait most people value
  8. Telling the truth helps you feel secure and peaceful inside

I agree with this quote because if you lie then you have bad morals. When you lie you have to make up a story to try to fool somebody. When you lie you won't have a clear conscious. Then later you will have to makeup a lie to protect your other lie. Then your conscious will feel even worst because you will make it a bigger burden. When they find out you lied then you will be punished because you lie and for what you did wrong.then they will feel betrayed and feel put down. If you were to just tell the truth you will save yourself from all the trouble.if you just say the truth then you might get in trouble but not as much as if you lied. When you lie you are being dishonest and bad mannered. If you just tell the truth then you will clear from any unclear conscious.

Voga Therapist

Voga Therapist
Duties and Responsibilities: Yoga helps create balance in the mind and body through exercise, breathing and meditation. A yoga therapist will use yoga to help people with physical and emotional issues or specific health problems.


Education: Fitness trainers and instructors typically do not require any education, but most have a high school diploma

Demand for this Profession: You can also choose to become a physical or occupational therapist, with job growth higher than 30 percent through 2020

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Monday, May 23, 2016

correct goals

“If i've got correct goals, and if i keep pursuing them the best way i know how, everything else falls into line, if i do the right thing right, i'm going to succeed.”
Dar Dierdorf
What this quote means is that if you set good goals they will come true. You have to do right for them to come true. Your goals have to be good and you have to keep pursuing them to make them come true. The more you do right then the more capable your dreams are. If you do your best and do right then there should be no problem in reaching your goal. People who have bad goals then you are less likely to come true. You have to have good goals like you have good morals.     

Wellness Specialist

uties and Responsibilities: Wellness specialists work for schools, local governments, companies or other organizations to suggest, support and train people on their health and fitness goals. The types of concerns are as varied as weight and diabetes prevention and maintaining a healthy work-life balance. A specialist often consults with people directly on lifestyle, eating and exercise habits and may direct an individual to a doctor for any serious health concerns.
Salary: $15.77/HR
Education: Nursing, fitness or sports medicine.
Demand for this profession:  The  U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics expects the wellness field to grow by 37 percent between 2010 and 2020


Thursday, May 19, 2016


“The most important thing you will ever have is good values.”
                                                             ~Dennis Prager
This is a good quote by Dennis Prager. I think all people should follow this quote if they want to have a good life. Good values is something you should have. It is something you should pass on to your kids. What this quote means is that one of the best and most important things to have is good values. Good values are better than anything else. Good values are one of the factors that make you a good person. Having good values helps you CTR at all times. Good values are what you should thanks your parents for giving you. I think good values are extremely important in this world and many more people should have them.


Duties and Responsibility: Veterinarians do health check-ups, clean teeth, fix broken bones, treat skin infections and perform surgeries. They may also go around inspecting the living spaces of animals on farms or ranches to make sure there isn't any infection that make the animals sick. Some veterinarians are specialist on certain infections or diseases. In some cases veterinarians have to give lethal injections to animals that are old or very ill.

Salary: $86,640

Education: Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, a baccalaureate degree is usually required to enter a vet medicine program. In all states vets need to pass the North American Veterinary Licensing Examination.

Demand for this Profession:  Projected Job Growth from 2012 through 2022 is 12%

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

An internal Phenomenon

An internal Phenomenon
“The reward for doing right is mostly an internal phenomenon self-respect, dignity self-worth), integrity, and self-esteem.” --Dr.Laura Schlessinger--

I agree with this quote because not everyone is going to see when you do right. Sometimes you have to do what’s right when nobody is around you at all. You don't do right to show others you do right you do right because you know it is a good moral. If you do right without others having to tell you to do right then you have good morals and good values. If you do right without others having to tell you to then you are a reliable and responsible person. If you need some to be telling you to do what’s right then you are not completely there yet but you are trying to. Sometimes you might make a mistake but you always have to try your best to do what's right. People who need some to tell them to do what’s right will never be independent because they will need someone to guide then at all times. If you try you best and try to always choose what's right then people will admire you and look up yo you. If you make a mistake then do beat yourself up and just try to choose what's right.


Friday, May 13, 2016

Four success tips

Four success tips
Phillip Riggs
1.work hard
2. Follow your passions .Do things you are interested in doing
3. Don't chase after money
4.Serve others.Do good things for others ,and good things will come to you

I agree with this quote because with all of these four things you will succeed in life. If you practice these four things then you will not fail on all your goals no matter what. If you don't work hard then you will never get anywhere because if you do a half ass job then you are going to have a lazy habit. Lazy people will always put excuses in the way of doing what they want or have to do. If you don't follow your passion then you will never be happy doing what you are doing. If you do thing you are not interested in then you will be bored the whole time and not do a good job. If you chase after money then people you love will get hurt because you will do anything for money. People who chase money are gold diggers and loose and don't have friends. If you serve others then you others will serve you. If you do good to other good will come to you because you will have carma on your side and good faith.

World Records

World Records
  1. Most Piercings in a Lifetime
  2. Elaine Davidson
  3. June 8, 2006
  4.   Elaine-Davidson-01.jpgelaine-davidson-9635602.jpg

  1. Longest Fingernails Ever on a Woman
  2. Lee Redmond
  3. February 2008
  4. article-1210866-0642C08F000005DC-429_634x567.jpg   naillady.jpg

  1. Longest time in an abdominal plank position
  2. Mao Weidong
  3. 26 September 2014
  4. download.jpg   542e92d9e98b1.jpg

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

"If you knew what i was the why did you pick me up."

                                      "If you knew what i was the why did you pick me up."

this quote mean that if you know the consequences of something then you do you do it. like if know smoking causes lung cancer why do you do it. nothing good comes out of a bad action only bad thing happen. in the story the guy tells the snake in your type because he knew the snake was going to bit him. you can use this in life by staying away from drugs because you know you will get addicted to them. if you know you will get addicted then why even try them in the first place. you should not be fooled by the snake of immorality. you have to stay away from they because they don't want you to succeed in life. they want to to see you fail.

Automotive Technician

Automotive Technician
Duties and Responsibilities: Keeps equipment available for use by inspecting and testing vehicles completing preventive maintenance such as, engine tune-ups, oil changes, tire rotation wheel balancing and replacing filters. They also maintain vehicle functional condition by listening to operator complaints. They conduct inspections, repairing engine failures, repairing mechanical, and electrical systems malfunctions, replacing parts and components, repairing body damage.

Salary: approximately $17.39 per hour

Education: High school diploma plus formal mechanic training

Demand for this profession: 5% (As fast as average)


the right thing

“In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing.”-Theodore Roosevelt-

I agree with quote because you should always choose the right for every decision in your life. If you decide to choose what's wrong then you will be a bad person. Your guilty conscious will make you feel bad and feel uneasy. But if you choose the right then you should never feel this way. People who choose the right will always be happy. If you choose what's right then you will be trusted. People who choose what's wrong wont be trusted because people will know there are a bad person. If you are always choosing what is right then people will treat you with respect. People will like you and feel safe around you because they know you are ctr student. Unlike if you are a person that chooses the wrong you not want to be around.



Monday, May 9, 2016


                                             Nothing is ever gained in doing whats wrong
-Wilford Woodruff-
           I agree with this quote because it is true. if you do wrong nothing good comes out of it. unlike if you do good good will come out of it. if you do good you will revive goods. if you do good then others will appreciate that and thank you for it. not only other people but your family will appreciate it as well. sometime you will get some thing out of it like money or stuff  you really wanted. no bad comes from doing good. if anything you should want to do good and be respectful to others. you should do good so that others would like you. if you do bad then people will despise you. bad people are not good to be around.

X5 M

X5 M
The BMW X5 M is a significant suv its outstanding performance on the road makes it so incredible. It is an all wheel drive with the best traction control ever. It is BMW’s  most powerful engine on all wheel drive. It is a 4.4 v8 567 horsepower and a 553 lb-ft of torque. With a M twinpower turbo and Valvetronic tech it gets from zero to sixty in an amazing 3.8 seconds. It has the best and efficient airflow for both turbochargers. With zero counter flow for fast turbine response and  constant pressure charge. It has no liner the cylinder housings have a twin wire arc sprayed coating to make it lighter. It has multiple high pressure injectors with one combustion process. The combustion is precisely controlled, very clean and efficient every time your driving. This is because the electronic control system that adjust timing and the amount of fuel injected according to the engine power demand. It also has “twenty one” inch  M double spoke light alloy wheels. These wheel come with standard M compound brakes to come to a stop at any given time. These wheels are also M tuned a with road gripping traction.


Tuesday, May 3, 2016



“I have been asked what i mean by “WORD OF HONOR” i will tell you: place me behind prison walls-walls of stone ever so high, ever so thick reaching ever so far into the ground-there is a possibility that in some way or another i might be able to escape, but stand me on the floor and draw a chalk line around me and have me give my word of honor never to cross it. Can i get out of that circle? No never! I’d die first. -Karl G. Maeser-

What this quote mean that you should keep your word at all times. Even if something happened you have to keep your word on doing that something you promised. If you are not a man of your wood then you are considered a liar. Trust me nobody likes liars around them. If you are around a liar then you won't feel safe because he will be lying that you are safe. Let say you promised to do something for someone. Later  something comes up. You can't just do that thing that came up. You will have to ask if it can happen later. If not you will lie and people will lose trust in you.  

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Medical Scientist

Medical Scientist
Duties and Responsibilities: Medical scientists help develop new medical breakthroughs that benefit humanity. This process involves a great deal of research and performing clinical trials to find out the effects of new drugs and vaccines.


Education:  a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Biological Sciences, although some medical scientists choose to get a medical degree, such as the Doctor of Medicine (M.D.), instead.

Demand for this Profession: Comparatively average employment growth of 13% for medical scientists was predicted by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) from 2012-2022
